Van Isle Doodles
Welcome to Van Isle Doodles where we love labradoodles! Our YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing our labradoodle puppies. We focus on raising healthy, happy dogs registered with WALA. Here you'll find videos about everything from the basics of labradoodle care and training to updates on what's going on with our current litters of puppies. We take pride in providing education about labradoodles as well as providing updates for our existing customers. We are located in Cowichan Valley and can deliver your labradoodle puppy to you anywhere in North America. If you're ready to get started with your next addition to the family (or you just want to check out some more adorable labradoodle puppies), check out our website! Find your perfect labradoodle puppy here:
Subscribers: 4.1K Videos: 563 Total views: 761.7K Gravity: 68.9*
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Channel ID: UC9d_qZATh4IOP3RXZ3SsblQ
Channel's country: Canada
Channel was established: 02 October 2011.
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rating from 19 viewers
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
Van Isle Doodles added to FindAChannel 09 January 2023 (Channel #337427). Entry last modified 07 April 2024.