Vance & Mary Hinds
Vance Hinds and wife, Mary Hinds Author of The 90-Day Workout Journal for Men and DDPY Fanatic. Owner of Transform with Vance. I have been on a weight loss journey and transformation by losing over 200 pounds and keeping it off for over 3 years. Follow me and my wife, Mary's journey as we hold ourselves accountable by posting our peaks and valleys. If you need an accountability partner/life coach to hold you accountable on reaching your goals, reach out to me at or at 972-937-3000. You can order The 90-Day Workout Journal for Men on Amazon and wherever great books are sold. The First Wednesday of March every year, we conduct Vance's Challenge. The first male to lose 100 pounds and the first female to lose 50 pounds win trophies. Lastly you can learn more about these programs and other information concerning health and fitness at my website, or on my podcasts, Extrausual and Transform With Vance. Vance and Mary
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Channel ID: UCXu6-rJUbh5HkFXrx4vEGlA
Channel's country: United States
Channel was established: 30 November 2006.
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Vance & Mary Hinds added to FindAChannel 04 May 2021 (Channel #80745). Entry last modified 23 April 2024.