yoshi footballjuggler
I have played soccer as a defender but I was not good at juggling. Juggling is important for improving the skill of ball control. So let me show you how I improved my skill. Besides, I will introduce my soccer boots or other football equipment.
Subscribers: 3K Videos: 32 Total views: 562.8K Gravity: 64.6*
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi3K9mPkkukO_9rjwADF3fw/
Channel ID: UCi3K9mPkkukO_9rjwADF3fw
Channel was established: 08 October 2015.
Channel's Videos
rating from 427 viewers
Is This a Kind of Penalty? These White Boxer Briefs are Too Short for Soccer!
rating from 298 viewers -
Jockstrap or Boxer Briefs? I Wear Them Both to Improve My Soccer Performance
rating from 163 viewers -
Three Benefits Of Wearing A Thong Under Boxer Briefs When I Play Soccer
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*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
yoshi footballjuggler added to FindAChannel 11 May 2021 (Channel #86837). Entry last modified 20 January 2025.