Channels With The Most Videos

These are the YouTube channels with the most videos that are listed on FindAChannel. Go check them out and see what they've been so busy vlogging about.


How Do These YouTube Channel Creators Make So Many Videos?

The English word used to describe somebody who does a lot of something is prolific. The channels in this list are certainly prolific, almost churning out more YouTube videos than Stephen King has written horror novels.

Many of these channels have a lot of YouTube videos because they started making them a long time ago. YouTube was launched in 2005, so if you joined the video sharing service that year and created one video a day you would have reached 6000 videos sometime in 2021. Producing regular content is definitely a good way to grow a channel because as your channel grows YouTube will recommend more of your videos while they are watching other videos you have made. Of course you'll also gain subscribers, and new subscribers will often watch your videos as soon as they are uploaded.

In this list of YouTube channels with the most videos there are also a large number of news organisations. They have large content producing teams, so they're able to push out a tremendous number of videos.

This list also contains or has contained a fair number of technical support videos. Creating a quick screen capture video about how to solve a particular problem doesn't generally take very long. If you had a tech support channel started in 2005 and produced 6 videos a day then you'd have passed the 35,000 videos mark sometime in the spring of 2021! Here's an example of such a channel:

Screenshot of a typical tech support YouTube channel. It is very easy to make a lot of videos in such a niche.

This is Roel Van de Paar's tech support channel. His videos generally aren't very interesting or exciting, but they're really useful for somebody out there. Such videos are also increasingly shown in Google's own search results and many people prefer watching a walk-through video than reading a blog post about resolving the same issue.

Should You Make Lots of YouTube Videos, or Just a Few Videos?

I have done a fair bit of number crunching on the math and I couldn't find much of a relationship between the number of videos a channel has and how many views or subscribers that channel has. The exception appears to be with smaller channels. Obviously if you only have one video on your channel then you might not get as many views as when your channel has 10 videos. However there are many channels that have only a handful of videos but they get a lot of views. I know of one channel related to the Miku Hatsune anime character where the channel only has 3 videos, yet one of their videos has 2 million views!

In general it's better to have fewer, high quality videos than many videos that are of poor quality. YouTube's engineers obsess over making viewers stay on the platform, and one of the best ways they can do that is ensure that people watch content so compelling that they won't want to switch off and do something else.

However, rules are made to be broken and one channel that has really made a push for quantity of videos is WordBox:

Screenshot of the Wordbox YouTube channel. This channel has tens of thousands of videos.

The WordBox channel has many thousands of videos that tell you how to pronounce a particular word in English. It's a simple idea, but these videos are very popular! Of course the beauty of this idea is that the videos are super quick to produce. Imagine if you created 25 videos a day since YouTube started. By 2021 you'd have amassed a portfolio of 146,000 videos by early 2021. That could generate some serious passive income, especially in an evergreen niche like pronunciation.

This list of the YouTube channels with the most videos was generated 28 February 2025 02:27 This list is regularly updated.