YouTube Channels in the Cheap Hotels Niche 26
This page lists YouTube channels related to the cheap hotels niche.
FindAChannel's Featured Channels showcases channels started in the last three years and which already have a strong following on YouTube. Be sure to check them out, as they're obviously doing something right on YouTube in 2025.
WowHotelReviews Premium
6,445 videos
2,810 subscribers
519,823 total views
49.3 gravity
$18.99 estimated monthly earnings
WowhotelReviews Premium USA hotel reviews
Channel started: March 2022.
8,203 videos
1,990 subscribers
1,068,729 total views
49.3 gravity
$24.43 estimated monthly earnings
Channel started: January 2022.
Here is a list of more channels in the cheap hotels niche. The most relevant channels are listed first.
WowHotelReviews Premium
United Arab Emirates
6.4K videos
2.8K subscribers
519.8K total views
49.3 gravity
$19 estimated monthly earnings
WowhotelReviews Premium USA hotel reviews
Channel started: March 2022.
WowHotelReviews Gamma
United States
12.1K videos
1.9K subscribers
1.1M total views
49.2 gravity
$31 estimated monthly earnings
hotel video reviews
Channel started: January 2021.
Best Hotel
341 videos
19.9K subscribers
14.8M total views
35 gravity
$158 estimated monthly earnings
Best hotel channel is made to help travellers. Searching for the best hotel in each city around the world is sometimes difficult if you only rely on a single survey or a single website.
We collect the travellers' reviews and choices from different big travel websites, like Tripadvisor, Trivago,...
Channel started: May 2014.
Tonia In Vegas
United States
180 videos
8.8K subscribers
282.1K total views
56.7 gravity
Visit our Members Only Travel https
Channel started: January 2019.
Island Hopper TV
United States
1.1K videos
325K subscribers
79.7M total views
83.1 gravity
$682 estimated monthly earnings
Travel the world like never before. Take a trip around the globe with Island Hopper TV!
Island Hopper TV is a travel channel dedicated to providing relevant travel information and adventure from around the world. Our mission is to bring you closer to the people, cultures, and nature that make...
Channel started: January 2016.
To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.
Saki Says...
We have assigned this niche a popularity score of 16% and a competition score of 94%. The niche's overall potential is 24%. New channels we have found in the Cheap Hotels niche upload an average of 136.9 videos per month and gain an average of 38 subscribers per month. This niche is pretty competitive in 2025 but with hard work and some top quality content you could do well.

The Cheap Hotels niche was added to FindAChannel 26 April 2021 (Niche #1806). The data for this niche was last updated 15 February 2024.