YouTube Channels in the Child Education Niche 26
This page lists YouTube channels related to the child education niche. Some of these channels focus exclusively on the child education niche while others may only devote a few videos to it.
Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to view our AI engine SakiAI's verdict on how easy it could be to start a successful YouTube channel in this niche in 2024.
FindAChannel's Featured Channels showcases channels started in the last three years and which already have a strong following on YouTube. Be sure to check them out, as they're obviously doing something right on YouTube in 2024.
118 videos
281,000 subscribers
77,431,164 total views
11.6 gravity
$1992.18 estimated monthly earnings
Millimone Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs!
Sing and Dance with MILLIMONES!
Channel started: September 2021.
Here is a list of more channels in the child education niche. The most relevant channels are listed first.
The Parent Teacher Bridge
United States
160 videos
6.2K subscribers
248.3K total views
67.7 gravity
Channel started: February 2014.
154 videos
22.1K subscribers
4M total views
53.8 gravity
$31 estimated monthly earnings
Worksheets; an idea turned into a great platform for the future of our kids. We created this platform “The Open Book” to build a strong foundation for our coming generations to support school education.
The Open Book is an ideal platform for the kids to learn different subjects through...
Channel started: January 2016.
Learning Time Fun
285 videos
148K subscribers
39.7M total views
57.6 gravity
$311 estimated monthly earnings
Learning Time Fun creates awesome educational videos for kids! We'll teach your child sight words, ABC phonics, opposite word pairs, basic grammar like contractions, math, science, and so much more! Subscribe to our channel for brand new videos every week!
Some of our most popular lessons are...
Channel started: December 2015.
BB Ki Vines
182 videos
25.1M subscribers
85.1 gravity
BB Ki Vines is a channel that chronicles the everyday happenings in the lives of BB and his family members.
Bhuvan Bam is an actor, singer-songwriter, comedian and entrepreneur. He began his journey in 2012, as a performer at a restaurant in Delhi and then in 2015, began uploading short comedy...
Channel started: June 2015.
United Kingdom
36 videos
1K subscribers
73.7K total views
48.6 gravity
The Foundation for Advancement of Child Education and Youth Empowerment (FACEYOUTH) is a grassroots-inspired charitable organization with a mission to enhance the lives of disadvantaged children and youths in Scotland. Our organization is deeply committed to addressing the multifaceted challenges...
Channel started: March 2016.
Miku Real Japanese
311 videos
335K subscribers
14.9M total views
85.6 gravity
$117 estimated monthly earnings
Hi, I'm Miku. My mission is to teach Japanese in fun and effective way!
I'd like to connect Japan and the world.
I hope my videos can help people who love Japan and Japanese language.
Thank you so much for learning my language!
Channel started: September 2018.
child education official
347 videos
1K subscribers
170.5K total views
65.7 gravity
Personal Blog #lokgayika#singer#music
Channel started: August 2018.
442 videos
1.2K subscribers
259.9K total views
61.9 gravity
subscribe please ??News,Education, music, entertainment etc.
Channel started: September 2016.
GS Animation
United States
91 videos
4.7K subscribers
1M total views
19.2 gravity
#gsanimation #bupishow
mario, sonic, numberblock, animations, animation, GS Animation, Rainbow Friends, funny mario videos mario level up level up animated film
#alphabetlore #mario #gsanimation
#alphabetlore #mario #gsanimation #mazemayhem #numberblocks
GS Animation Info
Channel started: December 2012.
EcDc Trust
205 videos
2.4K subscribers
29.8K total views
67.4 gravity
I am proudly introducing you our Environment Care & Development Charitable Trust which has been established To save the world community from the dire consequences of climate change And bring about a radical change in the economic development and environment of India. We will be expanding our...
Channel started: August 2020.
Elmwood Park Zoo
United States
387 videos
1.8K subscribers
889.9K total views
37.2 gravity
Here you'll find the best clips and videos of everything that's happening at Elmwood Park Zoo. Check out our animals, take a tour of the zoo, and more!
Channel started: January 2013.
Cerebro Team - The Financial Literacy Academy
181 videos
1.1K subscribers
25.7K total views
59.1 gravity
Cerebro Team – The Financial Literacy Academy focuses on making students financially literate.
We give exposure to students of various real-life financial concepts like financial decision-making, taxes, banking & insurance, saving & investments planning, corporate finance, Fin-Tech, Loans &...
Channel started: February 2020.
Professor Online
36 videos
13.4K subscribers
1.1M total views
60.6 gravity
$33 estimated monthly earnings
Professor Online is an initiative taken to assist seekers of knowledge.
This initiative was started by Dr Yasir Rashid, who is a Certified Digital Marketing Specialist from MIT Sloan School of Management, USA. He is working as a full time Academician and teaching 100's of University students...
Channel started: March 2017.
To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.
About the Child Education Niche
Early childhood education, also known as nursery education, is a branch of education theory that relates to the teaching of children from birth up to the age of eight. Traditionally, this is up to the equivalent of third grade. ECE is described as an important period in child development. ECE emerged as a field of study during the Enlightenment, particularly in European countries with high literacy rates. It continued to grow through the nineteenth century as universal primary education became a norm in the Western world. In recent years, early childhood education has become a prevalent public policy issue, as funding for preschool and pre-K is debated by municipal, state, and federal lawmakers. Governing entities are also debating the central focus of early childhood education with debate on developmental appropriate play versus strong academic preparation curriculum in reading, writing, and math. Source: WikiPedia
Saki Says...
We have assigned this niche a popularity score of 14% and a competition score of 94%. The niche's overall potential is 25%. New channels we have found in the Child Education niche upload an average of 0 videos per month and gain an average of 730 subscribers per month. This niche is pretty competitive in 2024 but with hard work and some top quality content you could do well.
The Child Education niche was added to FindAChannel 06 November 2023 (Niche #11706). The data for this niche was last updated 02 April 2024.