YouTube Channels in the Funny Farm Niche 24

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This page lists YouTube channels related to the funny farm niche.

If you don't see too many relevant channels listed on this page then please do tell us about some channels in this niche by using the submit YouTube channel page. Alternatively why not start your own YouTube channel in this niche?



FindAChannel's Featured Channels showcases channels started in the last three years and which already have a strong following on YouTube. Be sure to check them out, as they're obviously doing something right on YouTube in 2025.


1. C & J Funny Farm   441 videos   19,700 subscribers   3,183,100 total views   86.1 gravity   $40.45 estimated monthly earnings
Welcome to the Funny Farm! I'm Claire a 30 something Psychologist who farms as much as possible in my downtime. My husband and I live on almost 20 acres in Northwest Arkansas. We raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, KuneKune pigs, and beef cows on our homestead. We have fruit trees and a vegetable garden!...
Channel started: August 2019.


Here is a list of more channels in the funny farm niche. The most relevant channels are listed first.


1. C & J Funny Farm United States
  441 videos   19.7K subscribers   3.1M total views
  86.1 gravity   $40 estimated monthly earnings

Welcome to the Funny Farm! I'm Claire a 30 something Psychologist who farms as much as possible in my downtime. My husband and I live on almost 20 acres in Northwest Arkansas. We raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, KuneKune pigs, and beef cows on our homestead. We have fruit trees and a vegetable garden!...
Channel started: August 2019.


2. Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary United States
  350 videos   2.8K subscribers   241.8K total views
  65.8 gravity

Voted one of the TOP 10 places to visit with your family in NJ, we are located in Mays Landing, NJ. Admission and parking are FREE. We are open year round on Sundays and Tuesdays only from 8-4pm. We are a Family-Friendly Animal Rescue & Sanctuary with over 500 rescued animals, most roam free....
Channel started: November 2017.


3. Family Funny Farm
  3.3K subscribers   4K total views
  45.4 gravity

Channel started: July 2010.


4. The Bates Funny Farm
  20 videos   21.3K subscribers   5.1M total views
  52.3 gravity   $27 estimated monthly earnings

•• DUE TO COPYRIGHT STRIKES •• This channel is changing gears, the focus will be on gardening, livestock/animal care, self-sustainment and more. If there is a video that you would like to see but can no longer find it on the channel, please email me so we can make arrangements for you to see that...
Channel started: July 2010.


5. Clean Funny Pics & Humor |
  64 videos   22K subscribers   30.6M total views
  44.2 gravity   $145 estimated monthly earnings

Funny Clean Humor. If you haven't noticed yet, our name is a play on words. Sanitaryum has the words "sanitary" in it to denote "clean" and yes, it sounds like sanitarium/sanitorium (Metallica) because its a play on the now non-politically correct word "funny farm" or...
Channel started: March 2009.


6. Matt & Sara United States
  750 videos   12.9K subscribers   628.5K total views
  87.7 gravity   $7 estimated monthly earnings

We are Matt & Sara. We are from Minnesota. We run our laser engraving business from home. We sell primarily online. We have four children. We are looking for new ways to be more present with our family. We enjoy being together; gardening, taking care of animals and the homesteading...
Channel started: February 2020.


7. Funny Animals TV United States
  404 videos   567K subscribers   161.1M total views
  21.7 gravity   $3,916 estimated monthly earnings

Funny Animals TV is dedicated to fostering creativity, good values, life skills, and care for the community through fun animated cartoons ( Animals, toys, Numbers, Shapes, Cars, and more). Our content is fun-filled friendly content that will make you laugh, and learn a delightful experience for...
Channel started: February 2022.


8. TinaDustyRose United States
  293 videos   47.1K subscribers   26.8M total views
  75.7 gravity   $112 estimated monthly earnings

Hello world, my channel is mostly about animals and having fun in the country. This is definitely the theme of my channel but there may be a video made every now and then that does not necessarily fit into that mold. Either way, my videos are supposed to be fun and entertaining, and hopefully...
Channel started: July 2011.


9. Tractor Fan United States
  37 videos   5.3K subscribers   8.6M total views
  32.2 gravity   $56 estimated monthly earnings

The Funny Side of Farm Life, showing Darwin Moments, Stupidity, Fails, Falls, Crashes, Crushes, Lucky Escapes and the hilarious things we farmers get up to on the farm for fun and a laugh. Nobody was seriously injured or harmed in the making of these videos.
Channel started: January 2009.


To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.

Saki Says...

We have assigned this niche a popularity score of 23% and a competition score of 94%. The niche's overall potential is 22%. New channels we have found in the Funny Farm niche upload an average of 0 videos per month and gain an average of 0 subscribers per month. This niche is pretty competitive in 2025 but with hard work and some top quality content you could do well.

The Funny Farm niche was added to FindAChannel 29 April 2021 (Niche #2327). The data for this niche was last updated 26 February 2024.