YouTube Channels in the Natural Medicines Niche 31
This page lists YouTube channels related to the natural medicines niche.
FindAChannel's Featured Channels showcases channels started in the last three years and which already have a strong following on YouTube. Be sure to check them out, as they're obviously doing something right on YouTube in 2025.
Dr. Gus
546 videos
699,000 subscribers
39,381,674 total views
90.8 gravity
$1052.20 estimated monthly earnings
As a conventional doctor, Dr. Gus is passionate for natural medicine. He believes that natural medicine can greatly improve a person well-being and health. In this channel, Dr. Landivar shares valuable information on how to restore vitality, physical and mental health through the use of natural...
Channel started: January 2019.
Here is a list of more channels in the natural medicines niche. The most relevant channels are listed first.
United States
57 videos
2.4K subscribers
958.3K total views
51.6 gravity
As a leader in homeopathy and natural medicines industry, Naturasil and its founder, Bill Carlson, have joined the steadily growing community of people that have realized what nature can do for us all.
Our Goals
Channel started: May 2014.
5E Wellness Lab
United Kingdom
3.9K subscribers
132 total views
39.8 gravity
Health and Wellness Centre containing a relaxing Tea room and health food shop. Offering treatments such as Acupuncture, Massage, Counseling and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Events suite for health and natural living workshops and integrative natural medicines research Lab
Channel started: December 2019.
United States
405 videos
1.4K subscribers
184.1K total views
74.8 gravity
Hey Youtube! We are a home educating family of 10 (Alex and Cassie plus 8 kids). We are Bible-believing Christians, homeschool our children, we own a beautiful homestead, we are a multi-cultural family, involved in loads of ministry, and very involved in politics, we love to travel, homestead,...
Channel started: June 2018.
Michael Murray
United States
8 videos
2K subscribers
9.7K total views
52.4 gravity
Dr. Michael Murray, N.D, is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books and sold over six million copies featuring natural approaches to health.
“One of the great myths about natural medicines is that they are not scientific. The fact of the matter...
Channel started: January 2011.
United States
91 videos
17.2K subscribers
577.5K total views
67.7 gravity
Clinical Herbalist, Holistic Health Practitioner, and Homesteading Mom. Promoting a natural life with wild nutrition, natural medicines, food preservation and a natural lifestyle.
Primitive skills and amateur archeology experiments wild clay pottery, food preservation and basic ancient life...
Channel started: January 2018.
Planet Ayurveda
1.4K videos
285K subscribers
44.9M total views
85.6 gravity
$453 estimated monthly earnings
This is a Channel about Ayurvedic healing, natural remedies, home remedies and how to treat various diseases using natural medicines. It's about how herbs and nature can help us to fight cumbersome diseases and prevent from falling sick. Nature has given us so many gifts and we can use them in...
Channel started: April 2012.
To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.
Saki Says...
We have assigned this niche a popularity score of 10% and a competition score of 74%. The niche's overall potential is 28%. New channels we have found in the Natural Medicines niche upload an average of 0 videos per month and gain an average of 12 subscribers per month. This niche is pretty competitive in 2025 but with hard work and some top quality content you could do well.

The Natural Medicines niche was added to FindAChannel 27 April 2021 (Niche #2028). The data for this niche was last updated 20 February 2024.