YouTube Channels in the Vintage Drums Niche 32
This page lists YouTube channels related to the vintage drums niche.
63 videos
1.7K subscribers
564.1K total views
50.9 gravity
Channel started: February 2015.
Steve Maxwell Drums
1.4K videos
20.7K subscribers
7.6M total views
83.8 gravity
$25 estimated monthly earnings
Welcome to Maxwell Custom & Vintage Drums and Cymbals!
Channel started: January 2009.
Next Level Chops
209 videos
37.8K subscribers
4.8M total views
84.5 gravity
$31 estimated monthly earnings
Next Level Chops is for everyone, with most content focussed more towards drummers and percussionists alike. I discus the best and worst things about being a musician, talk about gigs, best practice, studio gear, drum products, setups and more.
Subscribe to keep up to date with all the latest...
Channel started: August 2016.
United States
1.1K videos
65.2K subscribers
16.4M total views
84.1 gravity
$48 estimated monthly earnings
The Bonzoleum Youtube drum channel is dedicated to the teaching, exposition and enjoyment of everything DRUMS & DRUMMING, and of course John Bonham & Led Zeppelin. Over a thousand videos here on YouTube
Channel started: August 2006.
82 videos
1.8K subscribers
731.1K total views
31 gravity
Vintage Ludwig Drum Factory Videos, New Drum Product Reviews, Chicago Drum Show Clinics
Channel started: January 2009.
Emmanuelle Caplette
153 videos
172K subscribers
21.7M total views
76.6 gravity
$65 estimated monthly earnings
Professional Drummer! Available For Drum Clinics, TV-Shows, Touring, Recording Session!
Channel started: December 2006.
279 videos
28.1K subscribers
8.8M total views
58.3 gravity
$33 estimated monthly earnings
Video game remixes, progressive breakbeat tracks, dance, techno, music production tutorials and sound design techniques from electronic artist zircon (Andrew Aversa)!
Check out ALL albums on Bandcamp, full streaming!
Channel started: July 2006.
Drumshack London
United Kingdom
371 videos
5.1K subscribers
1.7M total views
0.8 gravity
$12 estimated monthly earnings
This is the OFFICIAL Drumshack London Youtube Channel. Find product reviews, funny videos, interviews, give-aways and competitions just for our Youtube and Facebook fans!
Specialists in new and used musical equipment. Buy and sell musical equipment. Drums, Electronic Drums, Percussion, Guitars...
Channel started: October 2011.
To find WordPress and Blogger blogs in this niche, visit our sister site FindABlog.Net.
Saki Says...
We have assigned this niche a popularity score of just 6% and a competition score of 74%. The niche's overall potential is 31%. New channels we have found in the Vintage Drums niche upload an average of 0 videos per month and gain an average of 0 subscribers per month. This niche is pretty competitive in 2025 but with hard work and some top quality content you could do well.

The Vintage Drums niche was added to FindAChannel 23 December 2022 (Niche #7787). The data for this niche was last updated 07 March 2024.