Ken Abroad
Traveling & experiencing Asia. Getting to know people, places, food, culture. I strive to learn the most about each country, experience their culture, eat their food, see how they live, witness their daily life, learn about their work, get to know what they believe in and understand their perspective of life. You won’t see many tourist places in my videos, I rather like to show the “real” sides of each country in my videos. Where do the local people go to eat? Where do they hang out? How do the locals travel through the country? Stuff like that. Join the journey & subscribe to the channel if you are interested in experiencing Asia.
Subscribers: 218K Videos: 438 Total views: 61.5M Gravity: 67.8*
Channel URL:
Channel ID: UCHza0GAxOvBOeLKkMeL8EcQ
Channel was established: 25 January 2009.
Channel's estimated monthly earnings: $266.96†
Channel's Videos
rating from 1,244 viewers
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About this Data
*Gravity is FindAChannel's estimation of how engaging a channel's content is. It helps smaller channels with very engaging content compete with much larger channels. Gravity runs on a percentage scale, with 100% being the highest.
†A channel's earnings as shown on FindAChannel are just a rough estimate. There are many factors that will affect how much a channel will actually earn. It is possible that this channel may earn up to 10x as much as our estimated figure. Channel owners may also generate additional income from their channels by using endorsements, merchandise or promotion of affiliate offers.
Ken Abroad added to FindAChannel 04 June 2023 (Channel #387747). Entry last modified 22 February 2024.