Laura Rimmer - Keto Alkaline Nutritionist
Alkaline Diet Health Tips & Recipes. Laura Rimmer delivers no-nonsense multi-layered health expertise for busy people wanting to get slim, healed and energised. Laura is a plant-based Nutritionist, health coach and author of Hay-House published book 'The Alkaline 5 Diet'. She is also the podcast host of 'Eternal Health' on iTunes. Download your FREE Optimum Health Scorecard from
Subscribers: 2.5K Videos: 204 Total views: 170.9K Gravity: 58.8*
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Channel Handle: @alkalinediethealth
Channel ID: UCteO20Zo-v2MyoPUP5QF46A
Channel's country: United Kingdom
Channel was established: 26 October 2009.
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STOP Wasting Time with Fad Diets and Try INTERMITTENT FASTING! (3/10) #health #healthyfood #diet
rating from 3 viewers -
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Laura Rimmer - Keto Alkaline Nutritionist added to FindAChannel 06 October 2023 (Channel #421946). Entry last modified 22 December 2024.